The goal of these runs is to compare the performance of the latest versions of LLVM and GCC on x86 in 32-bit mode. I used the following similar options:

GCC -Ofast means -ffast-math by default whereas LLVM -O4 still uses normal floating point math, therefore GCC in -Ofast ran with -fno-fast-math to make a correct comparison. For the same reason LLVM run with -march=i686 as by default it uses -march=x86-64 when it generates 32-bit code on x86-64 target.

LLVM can not produce a correct code for on any optimization level. Therefore -O0 was used for both LLVM and GCC for

The used machine is 3.4Ghz Intel Core i7-2600 with 8GB memory under Fedora Core17.

GCC-4.8 was configured with --enable-checking=release. LLVM-3.2 with CLANG and Dragonegg for x86 were built in release mode. The sources are taken from LLVM download site. All changes are given relative to LLVM-3.2 run with -O1.

Last modified: 02/04/2013 - vmakarov at redhat dot com

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