Testing period: Jun 03, 2024 to Jun 26, 2024

Hardware Information
CPUAMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor (2333.418 MHz)
Number of CPUs16
Secondary Cache512 KB
Memory32889052 kB

Software Information

Operating SystemLinux 5.5.11-200.fc31.x86_64
Compilergcc version 15.0.0 20240626 (experimental) (GCC)
GIT repositorygit://gcc.gnu.org/git/gcc.git
GIT branchmaster
Flags used for base runs-O2 -mtune=generic
Flags used for peak runs-Ofast -mtune=corei7 -march=core-avx2 -flto

Status of latest run (Jun 26, 2024)

GIT updateOK1343 files updated (diff file)
GCC bootstrapOKBootstrap time:
SPECint2017 runOKBase score: 6.9
Peak score: 8.3
SPECfp2017 runFAILEDBase score: 41.6
Peak score: 49.3
See error log.

Last modified: Jun 26, 2024 - vmakarov at redhat dot com

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